Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Bogwalker Season/Year: Spring 03 Water Level: low Length: 120 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: jack
Portage Description:
The portage is not maintained as it heads into the Weasel Lake PMA. The trail is fairly identifiable but follows a narrow path. Many deadfalls, ups and downs and a couple of wet spots along the way. During low water you must portage to the far Beaver Dam and climb down the steep hill that is about 25 feet down at about a 65 degree slope. Put in above the dam and paddle to Rock Island.
Lake after portage: Rock Island
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:
But you can camp anywhere on Rock Island if you have the PMA designation on your permit, and then there is a nice site in the SE corner.
Portage from Rock Island into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with