Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: Portage is downhill into Agnes. Landing at the bog on the Boulder River is extremely soft and treacherous. DON'T step off the logs when landing as you will sink to your waist -- maybe even farther. Get your people out of the canoe and pull it to more solid ground for loading/unloading. It's worth the few scratches you might add to your hull. Once past the bog, the portage is an easy downhill carry. Lake after portage: Agnes Known campsites: 8+ Lake Description: Large and popular lake on the "Quetico Highway". Can be very choppy when wind is from the west and south. Portage from Agnes into: East* *SE Portage Louisa Unnamed* *en route to Keewatin Oyster River Dack Silence Bird
Portage into Quetico Park with |