Portage Description:
First, the portage has been redone since the other posts on it, it's not a portage from hell or a mud bath anymore- there is a nice boardwalk over the worse part and several low spots have been filled and built up- dry feet the whole way. One can easily see where the previous postings came from. I rate it difficult because of length and 3 separate hills or ridges you have to get cross- up and down. At one point I felt I was in the Rockies winding my way up a mountain trail. On the other hand, the trail is wide, level side to side, and dry. No bugs to speak of mid morning but the low spots might be bug heaven (or hell) if it was early or late in the day and earlier in the season. Sand landings at both ends, especially at Thomas.
Lake after portage: Cacabic
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:
Pretty little lake, fairly shallow- would have liked to worked it for northern but the group was on a mission and did not slow down.
Portage from Cacabic into:
Return to Thomas
Portage into the Boundary Waters with QuietJourney.com