Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Geno52 Season/Year: Summer 05 Water Level: unsure Length: 216 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Brian Johnson
Portage Description:
This portage started out in muck at the Lower Pauness end and ended the same way at the Shell Lake end. The portage itself stats out going up a grade on a decent path then levels out and goes downhill along side a beaver pond, then back up another grade after crossing over a boardwalk at a creek outlet at the pond. On the Shell Lake side of this portage it gets a little rockier and slightly down hill to Shell Lake. This end of the portage has a wet mucky landing as well. The only real difficulty is the length itself.
Lake after portage: Shell
Known campsites: 6
Lake Description:
Shell Lake is a pretty lake with at least 3 islands on it. The Southern most island has one campsite on it. The tent site was acceptable, with good drainage. We found this out by enduring a 7 hour rainfall while camped here. Fish were caught right from shore on this site, the majority being small smallmouth bass with some walleyes as well. We had the opportunity to check out the campsite on the point just to the right of the Lower Pauness portage. Other than looking worn it had at least 3 good tent sites as well and a decent landing spot for a canoe. The north west site along shore sits up off the water on a exposed rock face, however the tent site here was below the standards we were seeking. Fishing in Shell is said to be good. We did have some success around the islands for Walleye and Smallmouth Bass. Water color was brown stained here as well, but not as bad as the Pauness lakes
Portage from Shell into:
Return to Lower Pauness
Little Shell
Portage into the Boundary Waters with