Trease to Angleworm

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: outdoors4me
Season/Year: Fall 06
Water Level: unsure
Length: 460-480 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:
Nate Flink
Jean King-Sperlak
Lee Hegstrand

Portage Description:
This one has it all. It takes you through some low muddy areas before heading into a couple of boulder fields that are difficult to navigate with a canoe. The trail is made up of a lot of small ups and downs and rarely seemed level. It climbs to an open rocky area that offers a nice breeze that is more than welcome by the time you reach it. It then intersects the Angleworm hiking trail, but not as shown on my 2004 McKenzie map. That map shows the portage crossing the East arm of the hiking trail and heading into the southeast corner of Angleworm. The portage actually seemed to meet the hiking trail where it splits as there are three choices at the intersection (left, right, and hard right). Turning right (not hard right) takes you up to the west side of Angleworm and about 75 rods or so from the intersection, a trail cuts off to the right and goes downhill pretty steeply into the southwest corner of Angleworm. The 2004 McKenzie map lists the portage as 428 rods but others that have it more accurately represented list it at 460-480 rods. Whatever the true distance, it is definitely a workout.

Lake after portage: Angleworm
Known campsites: 4
Lake Description:

Very beautiful and secluded lake flanked on many sides with high rock walls. Stunning in fall with the leaves changing color. Additional campsites shown on the map but they did not appear visible from the water - probably on the hiking trail that circles the area.

Portage from Angleworm into:

Portage into the Boundary Waters with