Beaverhouse Entry to Beaverhouse
*Entry 31, 32

Quetico portages
Posted by: Claire
Season/Year: Summer 99
Water Level: low
Length: 75 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Unload your car at the start of this 75 r. mostly flat trail to the lake putin. Couple wet spots at the start, but not bad at all.

Lake after portage: Beaverhouse
Known campsites: 5
Lake Description:

Beaverhouse is a large and scenic lake. Paddle to the south shore to find the ranger station. Good fishing here too.

Portage from Beaverhouse into:
Unnamed* *between Beaverhouse and Cirrus
Namakan River

Portage into Quetico Park with