Beaverhouse to Namakan River

Quetico portages
Posted by: Jim J Solo
Season/Year: Summer 06
Water Level: low
Length: 25, 80, 70, 65 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
At the low water levels I was able to run the first drop leaving Beaverhouse, but I walked it to check the rapids first. All these portage trails are narrow and bushy from lack of use, but not difficult otherwise. The are all found on river right and other than the first need to be used no matter the water levels. There are some other swift spots as you travel downstream. I used the carry around the east side of Wawa Island. To find the take-out you'll need to go downstream till you're almost exiting down the west channel around Wawa Island and turn back east following the island's shoreline. Again the take-out is on your right. You'll hear a small channel of water rushing though the trees and see a small landing.

Lake after portage: Namakan River
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:

I didn't see and obvious campsites along the Quetico River between Beaverhouse Lake and Namakan River.

Portage from Namakan River into:

Portage into Quetico Park with