Ottertrack to Knife |
Quetico portages Posted by: Mark Wallin Season/Year: Spring 01 Water Level: high Length: 60 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: |
Portage Description:
Bushwhack through generally level and dry terrain - Compass recommended. This route connects three lakes that run parallel to Little knife Lake. The first "portage" starts in the southwest bay of Ottertrack lake. It is the longest and most difficult of the 3 carries. It ends in a large Cedar forest and lake access is difficult. The shoreline is very obstructed with deadwood. Carry a little further on the north side to find a good entry. The second portage is easy and follows a small creek. Begin the third portage in the westernmost of two small bays. The other bay (east) has a good landing but the bushwhack itself is steep in spots and has a lot of downed trees. We started to go this way but quickly reassessed and chose the west bay. The west route is an easy downhill grade to Knife Lake.
Lake after portage: Knife
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:
All three unnamed lakes hold fish. The first two lakes are deep on the northeastern side and shallow on the southwest. These are "darkwater" lakes, similar to Ottertrack but much smaller. The first lake has some amazingly large Cedars on the northeast end. The second lake is where "Woody" broke out of his slump and finally caught a small smallmouth bass. The third lake is interesting and probably has the best fishing prospects. Look for a large Northern Pike attached to a fluorescent green Rapala.
Portage from Knife into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with