Allan Creek to Fred

Quetico portages
Posted by: Kim Young
Season/Year: Summer 02
Water Level: low
Length: 5 portages rods
Rating: never again
Additional Perspectives:
Jay Timmerman

Portage Description:
The Creek has 5 portages including the one at the north end of a pond. All vary in length with the longest being around 120 rods. Many beaver dams, logs and rocks since the water level was low.

1st portage at the NE end of Allan lake was around 40 rods, rocky, rocky ending at narrow creek. Had to get out and pull canoe over rocks and trees until next short portage.

2nd portage on right, around 30 rods, short downhill to creek. Many lily pads, trees and rocks to paddle through.

3rd portage is not until after a series of Beaver Dams, as many as 6 that I can remember. Creek is very narrow at this point. Keep going until you have rocks in the creek and eventually you will see high tall grass on the left and you can pull out here and you will see a trail. This is around 120 rods depending on where you take out off the creek. When you enter the woods, it is rocky and slippery as it is right along the creek. Long, put in after some large rocks in the creek. Before you take off, look back and you will see a beautiful cliff on the east side of the creek.

4th portage, another 20-30 rods.

Now it's a long paddle and the creek gets wider. Eventually you will come to a narrows to get you into a unnamed pond. We walked through the rocks here. Paddled to the north end of the pond to the final portage.

5th portage about 10 rods. Ends at a very rocky spot. Look for moose here. We saw one. Creek is wide until you get to Fred. I'll get to Fred a different way next time.

Lake after portage: Fred
Known campsites: 4
Lake Description:

Beautiful lake, clear.

Portage from Fred into:

Portage into Quetico Park with