Quetico portages Posted by: Jay Timmerman Season/Year: Summer 06 Water Level: low Length: rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Kim Young
Portage Description:
I did this route in the reverse that Kim did, going from fine Fred Lake to Allen Lake via Allen Creek. The water was quite low. The first portage my crew did was narrow and through the grass along a shallow point of Allan Creek. You have to look for the matted down grass along the west shore, and follow the path. The second portage (remember, this is in reverse order to what Kim did) was along a well marked yet narrow path. My crew was unable to locate the middle portage, and this resulted in dragging and some very tough slogging, as well as having to improvise a campsite along the south shore of Allan Creek, as we failed to locate the middle portage. There were numerous downfallen trees laying across the Creek, which was shallow and very narrow. We had to paddle one or two strokes, get out, and pull our canoes across downfallen trees. Several trees were so close to one another that we found ourselves pulling across two or three trees at the same time. What should have taken an hour or two in a more well traveled area resulted in seven hours plus having to improvise a campsite on the south shore at the southernmost bend in Allan Creek. The next day entailed another two hours of ""pull and drag"" over downfallen trees. The last two portages (first two in the previous description, remember this is going from east to west) were as Kim described them.
Lake after portage: Fred
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:
Allan Lake is a beautiful site for sore eyes after the workout that was Allan Creek. We found knee high grass on the campsite in late July, in part because Allan lake is so difficult to get to!
Portage from Fred into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com