Nym to Batchewaung

Quetico portages
Posted by: Shani
Season/Year: 03
Water Level: average
Length: 700 meters
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
So theres a bit of length but its a super hi-way of portages. Theres a small down hill part at the end but in general its the trail is in great condition

Lake after portage: Batchewaung
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:

Huge and well connected once into Batchewaung its a straight paddle into French Lake for those looking to do an easy trip. This is a great place to start a trip because of the number of optionial routes.

Portage from Batchewaung into:
Pickerel* *Batchewaung Bay

Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com