Quetico portages Posted by: Ken Bringe Season/Year: 03 Water Level: low Length: 24 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives: Wally Walleye
Portage Description:
The portage is before Silver Falls and actually puts you in the pond between the bottom of the falls and the rapids leading out to Saganagons. You have to paddle through this pond to the swamp leading to Lilypad so the portage has to be done in two parts. Becareful as you paddle this pond the water can suck you in if you get to close to the rapids. The second portage can be very tough in low water. If there is not enough water to float the boat the second part becomes long and through a swamp until you actually get to the portge.
Lake after portage: Lilypad
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:
Lilypad is a shallow small lake but is very clear. You can see the bottom almost everywhere.
Portage from Lilypad into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com