Brent to Darky

Quetico portages
Posted by: Tim Atkinson
Season/Year: Summer 04
Water Level: low
Length: 20 and 180 and 10 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This is actually three portages. The first one begins on the western end of Brent and is an easy 20 rod up and over. Then it is a short paddle to the 180 rod portage. This trail was fairly flat and easy in the past, but the beavers have been busy and and 2-3 parts of the old trail are now under water. You could float your canoe in these areas and turn the 180 into many portages or as I prefer continue on along the beaver pond/stream. There are some deadfalls and low hanging trees to negotiate. The worst part is the trail now requires you to walk sideways on a steep hill----be careful with your balance. After the 180 rodder there is an unnamed pond just before Darky and finally a short easy portage takes you into Darky.

Lake after portage: Darky
Known campsites: 5
Lake Description:

Nice lake with good pictos on the southern end. Campsites on the western side seem to be the best.

Portage from Darky into:
Return to Brent

Portage into Quetico Park with