Quetico portages Posted by: starwatcher Season/Year: Fall 07 Water Level: high Length: 90 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description:
Tuesday Oct 2, 2007 canoed from Island campsite on Minn Lake north to 90 rod portage. The start of the portage was hard to find and appeared not to be used much. An old blaze on a white pine signaled the start on a wet marshy then rocky path. Carrying our canoes they scraped brush the entire length of the portage. Climbed over rocky spine midway. Several windfalls, one on north end was waist height and very difficult to advance around. Several people in the party thought it must be longer than 90 rods, but I paced it and it seemed correct. There was a midpoint entry that might be possible to take going north (downstream) but we didn't take it. After the portage we pulled over several beaver dams and short portages and it took all morning to get to the 13 rod middle portage where we ate lunch. Then after the final 9 rod portage we were home free on the Maligne River. starwatcher
Lake after portage: Maligne River
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:
Island campsite on Minn Lake - Nice but small. May Island, nice, scenic with lots for firewood.
Portage from Maligne River into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com