Improving Quetico Provincial Park and
Boundary Waters Wilderness canoe trips since 1999.


Did you know there are three really easy ways to support QuietJourney?

QuietJourney (AKA QJ) has been sharing quality, unbiased BW/Q information since February 1999 (wow, that's over 15 years!). QuietJourney was originally intended to be a little personal site with the hope that others might avoid suffering through the same problems that I did on my first few canoe trips. It's grown and changed a lot since then in many ways, as have I. Your subscription/contribution will help insure QJ can continue to serve you and others the same valuable content it's become known for (much of which is freely provided by folks just like you).

It turns out that depending on donations is not a very good funding model and my struggle to keep it all available gets more challenging every year. That's why asking for dollars to help fund it becomes more and more necessary. How many portages would you carry a complete stranger on year after year?
 ~db, (QJ's founder, web-lackey, slave....)

If what you are use to seeing when you visit the QJ forums doesn't change within 24 hours after submitting your payment, feel free to yank my chain with a username.:

Subscribe to the QJ Forums:
For a single 'donation' of $6.50, this allows access to all current (not yet archived) forums, recent posts and search. Access via this subscription level is good for about a year and does not automatically renew.

After completed payment, please allow 24 hours for updated access. This does not include access to archived posts or the Inukshuk forums.


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Subscribe to the QJ Forums and Archives:
Periodically, older posts are archived to conserve both bandwidth and server resources. For a 'donation' of $12.00, your subscription allows searchable access to all five archived forums as well as the current (not yet archived) BW/Q trip reports forum. Access via this subscription level is also good for about a year and does not automatically renew.

Please allow 24 hours for access after payment.


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Contribute a little more and become an Inukshuk (or contribute again):
When QJ was about to disappear a few years ago. It was basically a few people, now commonly referred to as Inukshuks, that kept the forums around. Inukshuk membership includes use of the Inukshuk Photo Gallery, access to all archived forums/posts plus additional forums for Inukshuks only plus a few other perks but the label itself signifies credibility or at the very least, let's other visitors know you care.

As of 3/26/11 the two Inukshuk Rendezvous forums contained 7486 Posts within 677 topics as well as access to everything mentioned above plus a few Inukshuk only perks like "search the neighborhood" and other pretty damn cool individual and communal efforts Inukshuks are willing to share with like minds.

I'd like to help by contributing:
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If what you are use to seeing when you visit the QJ forums doesn't change within 24 hours after submitting your payment, feel free to yank my chain with a username.:

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