
Bears in the Boundary Waters and Quetico


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Name: DLK
Location: Quetico
Lake: Quetico Lake
Date June 11, 2003
Time: Morning
Type: Distant Sighting
Number of people: 2
Cubs present: None
Personality: Unknown
Ended when: Bear left on it's own


Spotted large black bear along western shoreline after a short paddle onto Quetico from Beaverhouse. Bear was just walking along bank. We paddled to within about 20 yards then he headed back into the woods.

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Name: Reece
Location: BWCA
Lake: Boot Lake
Date May 29, 2002
Time: Morning
Type: close encounter
Number of people: 4
Cubs present: Yes, 1 cub was present
Personality: Timid
Ended when: Bear left on it's own


Coming around a corner close to the large sucker spawning area, we suprised the mother who was on the shorline with her cub. She stood on her hind legs smelling the air as the cub retreated to the safety of the brush. After about 3 minutes of surveying the situation, she realized we posed no threat and slowly retreated to the safety of the woods to join her cub. Was a great experience.

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Name: Glenn-O
Location: Quetico
Lake: Tanner
Date August 16, 2002
Time: Morning
Type: Portage Encounter
Number of people: 6
Cubs present: None
Personality: Timid
Ended when: Bear left due to seeing me


Coming up to Tanner Rapids from the lake, a small bear was on the portage eating some candy that someone tossed. He spotted us and took off.

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Name: Spido Pete
Location: Quetico
Lake: Saganagons
Date July 27, 2002
Time: Morning
Type: Distant Sighting
Number of people: 2
Cubs present: None
Personality: Timid
Ended when: Other


Fishing eastern part of Saganagons mid morning. Bear 50 ft up in the burn area eating berries and ants. Watched from the canoe for 10 minutes then continued fishing. He just continued eating. We were camped about 1/2 mile away and had no other encounter. Maybe we stunk too bad......

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Name: Illinois Dad and Daughter
Location: BWCA
Lake: Maraboeuf
Date August 7, 2002
Time: Dusk
Type: Distant Sighting
Number of people: 2
Cubs present: None
Personality: Unknown
Ended when: Bear left on it's own


We were lucky to have the bear alert us with loud brush racket, across a small inlet, about 150 feet from our camp. When it came down to the lake it slowly walked the shore away from us til it was too dark for us to see. The bear was probably a bit less than 100 lbs. We got about a twenty minute observation, a thrill to see.

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Name: Paul Hayden
Location: BWCA
Lake: Silica
Date May 17, 2002
Time: Morning
Type: Portage Encounter
Number of people: Solo
Cubs present: None
Personality: Timid
Ended when: Bear left due to seeing me


While portaging from Silica to Korb Creek, around the beaver dams, I sited the bear crossing the creek by using the dam as a bridge. I was less than 50 yards away from him. He was big! After watching him for a minute, I decided to drop the canoe and dig for my camera. By the time I got the camera out, he had turned around and into the woods on the other side of the creek.

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Name: Ken Bringe
Location: Quetico
Lake: Saganagon
Date June 17, 2001
Time: Morning
Type: Distant Sighting
Number of people: 3
Cubs present: Yes, 3 cubs were present
Personality: Unknown
Ended when: Bear left on it's own


On the island campsite just before the start of the Falls Chain we were breaking camp in the morning and heard something coming through the woods on the main shore where we would soon be portaging. A sow and three cubs came to the water. The sow was digging in a dead fall for food and the small cubs were playing and wrestling on the shore. They hung around for about ten minutes and then wandered off in the direction of the portage. We left shortly after them but didn't see or hear them again.

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Name: Mark
Location: BWCA
Lake: Basswood "washington I"
Date October 3, 2000
Time: Dawn
Type: Campsite Visit
Number of people: 2
Cubs present: None
Personality: Timid
Ended when: Bear left on it's own


Washington I. north-side Up late night before playing cards by camp fire. caught a wiff "smell"never heard or seen, next morning a lanky young bear down by firegrate beat-feet down the shoreline and across the narrows to shore, at the sight of us coming out of our tent. PS both of us are sixfoot+ and 200lbs+

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Name: J. L. Sturd
Location: BWCA
Lake: Koma
Date June 16, 2001
Time: Morning
Type: No answer
Number of people: 2
Cubs present: None
Personality: Persistent
Ended when: Bear left due to loud noises


Peninsula campsite on Koma. 6:30 AM. Swam across lake to camp. Had time to prepare. Put food away. Chased off rattling canoe paddles. Came back 4 times before leaving for good.

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Name: Lefty
Location: BWCA
Lake: Knife Lake (West End)
Date June Day, 1999
Time: Night
Type: Campsite Visit
Number of people: 3
Cubs present: None
Personality: Persistent
Ended when: Bear left due to loud noises


I have camped at virtually all of the camp sites at the west end of Knife Lake going back to 1969 and have almost always had a bear at some point in the camp sites on the mainland (south side of lake) between Big Knife Portage and Thunder Point. I have, however, camped onthe west end of Robbins Island (near Dorthy Molters summer island) many times and never have had a bear. The bears I have had in camp usually ran off due to loud noises, but some seemed persistent. One of them almost ran over me as it ran out of camp as I emerged from my tent.

I never have had a bear in camp on the east end of Knife or on the east end of Little Knife near Little Knife Portage. The camp sites in the narrows between Little Knife and Ottertrack have also been bear-free for many years.

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