New Minnesota feature stories, from

Hello everybody,

My name's Ian Wilker, and I'm a senior producer at, an online encyclopedia of outdoor-recreation information. GORP is perhaps the leading outdoor-recreation site on the Web, drawing about 1.5 million visits every month.

We're making an effort to upgrade our Minnesota coverage. I've just finished pulling together two new feature stories, one about cross-country skiing the Gunflint Trail, and another about dogsledding the BWCAW with the "King of Cool," Paul Schurke. Both are written by Stephanie Gregory, a native of Ely who is a regular contributor to Outside Magazine.

For Gunflint Trail Skiing:

For BWCAW dogsledding and Paul Schurke interview:

We're also working on a complete overhaul of our Boundary Waters Canoe Area coverage; it should be done by the end of February.

I've written before about our new Minnesota Northwoods discussion board--it's still there, and we definitely could use your help getting it really rolling. Help us give our worldwide audience the most accurate picture of northern Minnesota available in print or on the Web. Tell us what we're missing or where we've made mistakes. Give some advice to potential visitors. Use our forum to let everyone know about places to go, people to contact, or issues to think about that relate to your home.

Click here to visit GORP's Minnesota Northwoods board:

Have fun with it, and please feel free to e-mail me any time.

Ian Wilker

Posted by Ian Wilker, GORP staff on February 03, 2000 at 11:57

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