Packing lists for one week: (summer travel)
Items to wear
- shorts or long pants (pack the other).
- T-shirt or item
- hat (water repellent treated)
- heavy polypropylene blend or wool socks
- trail boots of choice
- bandanna (optional).
- Items to pack
- "chamois skin" or a light-weight long sleeve shirt
- three pair heavy polypropylene blend or wool socks
- hooded rain jacket and pants
- lightweight sneakers to wear in camp
- lightweight nylon/spandex swim suit
- two T-shirts and three underwear changes
- lightweight (nylon) shell wind-breaker
- medium-weight wool or synthetic fleece Jac-shirt
- long johns for spring or fall trips (in the summer this is optional)
- Sport bras
Equipment for each party (all amounts in proportion to party size)
Kitchen equipment
- camp stove(s), fuel - check operation of stove
- plate, cup, fork and spoon for each camper
- spatula
- two large cooking spoons
- two-quart pot plus two smaller nesting pots inside
- 10 inch non-stick fry pan
- coffee pot/ tea kettle (optional). Use instant coffee, wet coffee
grounds must be packed out.
- pot lifter
- dish wash items (steel wool, biodegradable soap, dish cloth,
"chamois" towel for drying)
- quart-size shaker bottle
- fillet knife
- condiments
- hot pads
- soap bar to coat pots and pans or place soot-covered pots and
pans in their own bags. Stove use will avoid this problem.
- paper towels
- measuring cup
- strainer for straining dishwater (a section of rolled-up "butter-fly
- butane lighter
- wire whisk
General equipment
- tent (extra stakes) - check for leaks
- ground cloth
- nylon tarp (used as a sail and for rain protection in camp) with
set-up ropes attached. Use at least an 8x10 foot size.
- sleeping bag
- self-inflating (or foam) sleeping pad
- repair kit (duct tape, nylon strapping tape, liquid aluminum
if using aluminum canoes, clothes mending kit & spare buttons,
super glue, eye glass repair items, multi-purpose tool such as a
Leatherman, and a pad patch kit)
- 50 to100 feet nylon 3/8 inch bear rope, light-weight cording
and string
- folding saw
- first aid kit (mole skin, antibiotic, anti-diarrhea, small scissors,
elastic bandage, pain relievers included)
- trowel (Quetico only, for digging latrine)
- toilet paper (double bagged)
- fire grate stored in a bag (only for Quetico cooking, BWCAW campsites
have fireplaces with grates)
- large sponge or plastic milk jug with the bottom cut away for
canoe bailing (strapped under a seat)
- water sack or collapsible water bucket
- spare paddle
- life vests
- clothes pins and line
- spare zip-lock plastic bags of various sizes
- water filter and a halide treatment method to purify large amounts
of water
- map sets
- day pack for each canoe party (optional)
- bungee cords or straps to fasten fishing rods to gunwale
- "chamois" towel to wipe off wet tents and canoe seats
- alarm clock (optional)
- playing cards, travel cribbage board (optional)
- spare 11 and 30 gal. plastic bags
- rescue/signal items (mirror, whistle, small flare)
- fire starter
- 2 bottles of biodegradable soap, one for dish washing and one
for hand/clothes washing
- bow and stern painters (about 25 feet each)
- camp chair such as a Crazy Creek brand (optional)
- wind-proof matches & butane lighter
- sharp hatchet
- camp pillow
Personal items (in pocket, canoe, day pack or personal stuff sack)
Pocket items
- butane lighter
- compass
- one two-ounce bottle bug dope (at least 30% DEET content)
- map of the day
- chap stick
- pocket knife (multi-purpose type is best)
- handkerchief (optional)
Day pack items
- water container
- camera, film & extra batteries (optional) Expensive cameras
should be stored in a waterproof bag. However, this is a dilemma,
since wildlife appearances are usually sudden and brief - keep the
camera as handy as possible.
- fishing gear (optional)
- head net for bad insect times (optional)
- (polarized) sunglasses (security strap highly recommended if
you wear corrective glasses)
- sunscreen
- binoculars (optional)
- another two-ounce bottle of insect lotion
- insect after bite
- Stuff sack items (packed inside the large personal pack)
- mini-flashlight/head lamp with spare batteries
- toiletries are kept in a small bag [toothbrush/paste, comb, hand
lotion, nail clipper, dental floss, safety pins, hand towel (a "thirsty"
cloth, i.e., chamois is best), and biodegradable soap].
- small paperback book (optional but nice for camp-bound days)
- small notebook and pencil for a journal (optional)
- playing cards
- feminine hygiene products
Fishing Items
- Fresh line on reels, lube reels
- Sharpen hooks
- Tackle box
- Filet knife and glove
- Knife sharpener
- Stringer
- Hook extractor/pliers
- Fish batter & cooking oil
- Fish locator & spare batteries
- Superglue and spare rod tips
- Spool of line
- Short handle or folding handle landing net
- Live bait
Other Items and considerations
- Canadian RABC permits
- Ontario and/or Minnesota fishing licenses
- Health and vehicle insurance info
- Itinerary and phone numbers left with someone at home.
- Personal medications
- Personal identification (birth certificates for minors crossing
into Canada)
- Spare contact lenses
- Boat license on canoe if supplying own canoe
- Hide key on or near vehicle to avoid carrying a key on the trip
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle as trailhead break-ins
are not uncommon.
- USFS Permit and reservations confirmations
- Get fresh and frozen foods
- Cooler and ice for traveling
- Bag of toiletries, clean clothes, and shoes for return trip
- Travel alarm
- Cable and lock for canoe to secure it when traveling over night
Entry >
Discover Wilderness > Canoeing
Information > Packing List -
Gear list