Paddling Techniques
Bow paddlers can be a great help in guiding the craft by using a sweep
stroke, draw stroke, bow rudder and cross bow rudder, or a back stroke.
Be sure the stern person agrees with your stroke selection, implicitly
or explicitly, before commencing. Teamwork is important! Strokes should
be in unison to keep the boat from rocking. Use a full, smooth, not
jerky, stroke. When traveling a lake in high winds (to be avoided if
possible) the bow person should always continue stroking to maintain
forward momentum to prevent the canoe from turning sideways to the waves
and swamping. In a head wind "feather"* your paddle to reduce
wind resistance. The bow paddler usually decides when to switch sides
when tiring. Keep in mind that frequent switching adds water inside
the boat, wastes energy and slightly retards the progress of the craft.
Always bring a spare paddle if one breaks.
*The paddle blade is rotated and brought back parallel to the water
at the end of the stroke and then re-rotated to begin a new stroke.
This will greatly reduce wind-drag on the paddle, reduce the paddlers
efforts and reduce any retardation on the canoe's progress.
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Discover Wilderness > Canoeing
Information > Paddling Techniques