Entry #23 to Mudro

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Lone Duck
Season/Year: Summer 97
Water Level: low
Length: 30 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This is a great first time entry point! The Chainsaw Sisters Saloon is right there and offers a watched parking area for $2.00 a night. They also sell beer which is very welcome when you come out on a hot day!

This is a tough portage to rate because it depends solely on the water level at the time that you are there. My first time through it we practically put in the canoes at the parking area. In times of high water, you can drop the canoes from the racks straight into the stream that leads into Mudro.

The last time through for me involved a good half mile walk until we found enough depth in the stream to float us. Made it harder, and the stream bank was muddy. It dropped even further when we came out that way a week later. Other than that, the walking is on level ground, very easy!

Lake after portage: Mudro
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Mudro is a pretty lake to start your trip with. There is good fishing throughout the lake, most people just pass through it on their way to Fourtown.

Portage from Mudro into:
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