Mudro to Sandpit

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Wallmental
Season/Year: Fall 02
Water Level: low
Length: 80 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Mudro is a small but very deep lake. Clarity is excellent with the usaual brown stain. Just passed through so have no information on fishing. I believe there is one camp-site on Mudro. One permit for entry point 22 or 23 allows you to use the camp-site. The other forbids you from using it. There were three guys in our party and we have appropriately, but unofficially, named this portage the "Goat Trail". This is the most difficult portage I have ever used. It's short. It's fairly wide. But, it is steep and rocky. From the Mudro side headed toward Sandpit, the incline is gradual and only moderately steep at times, for about the first 40 rods, or halfway, to the summit of the portage. From there it drops precipitously and is very rocky. The majority of the rocks were about the size of basketballs or a little larger and somewhat difficult to step over and around. We were fortunate to go in on a dry day and the decent isn't bad. It's coming out from Sandpit to Mudro that you have to climb up that hill on the Sandpit side. The average slope of the steep side of the portage is about equal to a normal staircase. With both a pack and a canoe at the same time it can be very difficult to step up and over some of the larger rocks. With the portage only being 80 rods you are better off to make your load lighter and make two trips.

Lake after portage: Sandpit
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Another smaller narrow lake with 1 established camp-site. This would be a nice lake for a short week-end as you would only have traffic passing through during the day and the entire lake to yourself in the evening and night time. Didn't try fishing.

Portage from Sandpit into:
Basswood* *Jackfish Bay
Basswood* *creek leading to Jackfish Bay
Tin Can Mike
Return to Mudro

Portage into the Boundary Waters with