Mudro to Fourtown

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: tim hunter
Season/Year: Spring 04
Water Level: unsure
Length: 140 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
As mentioned on earlier posts the two short portages are a breeze with the last one only a few minutes paddle from the tough middle one. The entry onto the second portage can get congested, not a big landing site and the trail entry doesn't have room to handle two opposing people.

I rated it average, for an out of shape desk bound person I would rate it hard. It was quite dry but did have some muddy spots lots of up and down with rocks in places that made carrying a canoe and pack a bit hard on the ankles.

The third portage also was quite shallow and tight, beware of ankle twister's.

Lake after portage: Fourtown
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:

Cold front after cold front, cold and fishing was off. Wind all week. Later learned weather was off all summer. Lake goes straight North then splits at the island. To the left goes up to Boot, straight and to the right goes to moose camp via creek, half circle to the right is portage out to Horse.

Portage from Fourtown into:
Unnamed* *between Fourtown and Horse
Return to Mudro

Portage into the Boundary Waters with