Basswood River to Basswood River*
*Lower Basswood Falls

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: tom
Season/Year: Summer 01
Water Level: average
Length: 30 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
It is very short. The upper end has a very nice landing and the trail is pretty good. The lower landing is a little tricky because of a ledge that you have to go up or down depending on direction.

Lake after portage: Basswood River*
Known campsites: 3
Lake Description:

There are a lot of squatters at these sites. I do not believe there are any more sites until Crooked Lake or past Wheelbarrow Falls the other way. so try to get here early or plan on going a ways.

Portage from Basswood River* into:
Basswood River* *Wheelbarrow Falls
Basswood River* *Lower Basswood Falls
Basswood River*

Portage into the Boundary Waters with