Sandpit to Mudro

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: cmh
Season/Year: Fall 04
Water Level: average
Length: 85 rods
Rating: never again
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
StairMaster must have gotten it's inspiration from this one. Sandpit is about 65 ft. lower in elevation than Mudro. I would have been as happy as a pig in slop if that were all you had to climb. It's 90-100 ft almost straight up then a slow down hill the rest of the way. We routed our loop in a clockwise direction from Mudro to gun then back around to horse. Our route was mostly downhill hill. We paid for it on the last portage. My ratings are based on the fact that we single portage. Double portaging would help the climb.

Lake after portage: Mudro
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Just passed through on the way to the truck.

Portage from Mudro into:
Entry #23
Return to Sandpit

Portage into the Boundary Waters with