Unnamed* to Grey

Quetico portages
Posted by: louisa
Season/Year: Spring 04
Water Level: high
Length: 130 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This portage is a "Y" shape, with two separate and each well-used entrances on the unnamed lake. If you are coming from Shade, the entrance marked on the McKenzie map is closer to you and somewhat shorter, but starts with a fairly steep uphill. If you are camped on the one campsite on the unnamed lake (middle of the north shore), the other entrance is closer and less steep. Either way, in the middle you come to a large open bog. You must cross the bog. The portage picks up again between two large boulders on the far side of the bog. Expect to sink hip deep in wet weather. Do not be fooled by the well used portage trail continuing on around the bog or you will end up back at the unnamed lake, as we did. We have named this lake "Groundhog Day Lake" in memory of the experience.

Lake after portage: Grey
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Grey Lake is stunning. Great exposed rock, nice islands. One campsite is on a flat topped rock on the east shore as you head north toward Shan Walshe. May be others.

Portage from Grey into:
Unnamed* *between Grey and Dell
Unnamed* *between Grey and Shade

Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com