Mack Creek to Kawnipi

Quetico portages
Posted by: Duane
Season/Year: Spring 06
Water Level: high
Length: rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Multiple log jams on the Wawiag. Better than the last time I went thru in 1999, as those required climbing up very steep river banks and portaging/bushwhacking around them. The log jams (about 4) are smaller and in most cases you can move the logs out of the way, or worst case, drag your canoe over the logs, while you hop amongst them. While dragging your loaded canoe over logs, while hopping on them in the middle of a river is a recipe for a broken leg or worse, it is very entertaining.

Lake after portage: Kawnipi
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:

Kawnipi, Kawa Bay. Nothing needs to be said, as if you are here, you know why.

Portage from Kawnipi into:
Kahshawpiwi Creek
Kahshahpiwi Creek

Portage into Quetico Park with