After a 4 year hiatus due to covid and covid related manifestos, it was nice to get back. I made up for it with 3 trips. The first being a BH entry slumming around my typical haunts - Quetico, Cirrus, Jean. Late June for 6 days with one of my boys just fishing and taking our own sweet time doing whatever we wanted. No electronics or camera on this trip. Mostly going by memory on hot-spots but wouldn't have needed the locater anyway. Plenty of fish without trouble. Weather was good with a few rain delays and only 1 serious windy day that kept us off the water. BH ranger station remains unstaffed. Not sure of the reason but I hear it's an MNR/1st Nation dispute.
Second trip was mid-July during the new moon. 6 days with 3 of the boys going in at Pickeral and down to Rawn. First night at The Pines, 3 nights on Rawn (mid-lake island site) and 2 nights at the Riviera. Again, no electronics but I did get to use a newly acquired GoPro camera, which is pretty cool. Kids made it fun by taking turns wearing a Nacho Libre luchador mask in public places along the way. Again, fishing was excellent and the only human contact was between the Pines and Dawson.
Third trip was a last-minute mid-life crisis
solo trip to BH. 4 days, 3 nights on the western end of the lake August 2-5. Weather was great, no bugs. If I wasn't fishing I was reading. Northern lights every night. Hoping to get 1 more trip with the wife before our school schedule revs up.
No alcohol on any of these trips. Been sober since January which has been great. Sobriety has its challenges but thankfully there is a local church basement with bad coffee for that.
Here's a few pics. My kids are goofballs and they had to purchase disposable cameras at the FF Walmart hence the weathered exposures.
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