My brother, and avid canoe camper, has for years carried bacon and eggs on his trips and has eaten them even though they haven't been kept refrigerated without any ill results. I'm a little more food-phobic, and so have never attempted to eat meat for any meal other than the first night's dinner (we usually carry deep frozen steaks and allow them to thaw during the course of the first day's travel). I'm interested in knowing what the conventional wisdom is around vacume-sealed, pre-cooked foods (such as Oscar Mayer bacon or Johnsonville bratwurst). Are they safe to eat without having been kept cold? For how long? I have the same questions about eggs. Again, my brother eats them after they've been kept in a dry bag for up to two or three days and claims they're perfectly safe. Is he just lucky or am I just overly cautious? Any advice or experiences appreciated. Thanks. Posted by Illini John on March 18, 2001 at 22:42 |
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