Jitterbug to Ahsub

Boundary Waters portage
Posted by: SFR
Season/Year: Summer 02
Water Level: low
Length: 20 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
At the Jitterbug side of the portage, the shore is swampy-muck. A nice log pier has been lashed together, but is about 4 ft above the level of the lake, and useless at low water levels. The put-in to Ahsub is clear and easy, but this "arm" of Ahsub would be a problem to negotiate in low water conditions on that lake (lots of stumps and rocks).

Lake after portage: Ahsub
Known campsites: 4
Lake Description:

Very nice lake with lots of contour.

Portage from Ahsub into:
Return to Jitterbug

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