Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: This portage may be small but can be nasty. It starts out easy enough with some overgrowth. About 2/3 through the portage.....Beware! You must stay to the far left or right. If you walk down the middle you will sink in chest high mud. After making your way through this area there is a nice little waterfall to clean off in. There is another small portage ( not difficult from what I can remember ) before making it into Jackfish Bay of Basswood Lake. Make sure to fish the rapids after this second portage. The Smallies were going crazy. Lake after portage: Basswood* Known campsites: 8+ Lake Description: Portage from Basswood* into: Unnamed* *on the way to Kett Sunday Good Basswood* *Back Bay Basswood* *Jackfish Bay Crooked Indiana Indiana Basswood* *Back Bay Basswood* *Pipestone Bay Poacher South Burke Sunday Burke Unnamed* *between Nest and Basswood Unnamed* *Between Basswood's North bay and Burke Newton Sucker Basswood River
Portage into Quetico Park with |