Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Ryeman Season/Year: Summer 00 Water Level: average Length: 170 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Curt odie Tom Kendall
Portage Description:
Although I did not think it was so bad, the consensus of the group was it was a killer, but this was from a couple of rookies and an out of shape smoker. It has a climb of 55’ in the first half but descends 130’ to Slim Lake. For a net downhill, run of 75’. This portage had some tight footing between rocks and drop-offs; the portage is not a well traveled, but generally a pretty walk.
Lake after portage: Slim
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:
Slim Lake is long and narrow, with a log jam separation into Section 3 Pond. The Northern most campsites are spectacular, with shear face wall that climbs 30' and a covey area for 3 tents. A beautiful campsite perched on a very nice lake. Fishing was iffy but we were there in late August.
Portage from Slim into:
Section 3 Pond
Portage into the Boundary Waters with