Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Natty phlegmmo Season/Year: Summer 02 Water Level: unsure Length: 150 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: Really quite unremarkable, it seemed shorter than its claimed 150. A slight downhill bent in this direction, we were pretty pleased to see Peterson Bay on the 95 degree day we tussled with the Beartrap. The put in on a steepish rock incline leaves little room for others, but meeting others here is unlikely. The little falls entering Iron is most picturesque. Lake after portage: Iron* Known campsites: 8+ Lake Description: Iron is a fine lake, so don't go there, leave it for me. Portage from Iron* into: Lac La Croix McAree Dark Crooked
Portage into Quetico Park with |