Little Trout to Misquah

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Tim
Season/Year: Summer 03
Water Level: average
Length: 190 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:
Seth Rice

Portage Description:
It was difficult to locate the beginning of this portage. The area is very rocky. In general, stay to the right of the rocks and head toward the hill - it goes up rather steeply. This isn't a long portage but it goes up and down twice. Watch your step - this would be a bad place to turn an ankle or fall on a rock and bust your knee.

Lake after portage: Misquah
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Relatively small yet deep, clear lake. Blow down/fire damage on the western shore and very nice view of Misquah Hills on the eastern shore.

Portage from Misquah into:
Return to Little Trout

Portage into the Boundary Waters with