Caribou to Clearwater

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: sonjar9
Season/Year: Fall 05
Water Level: unsure
Length: 220 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
First of all, you have to find the portage. My McKenzie map shows this portage to be at or near the second easternmost campsite on the lake. If you look for it there you will get annoyed. There are a bunch of trails around the campsite that look promising but are NOT a portage. The portage is about halfway between the the two eastern campsites. If you know that up front it is fairly easy to find. We were coming from the west so we stopped at the campsite first. The portage... this portage is fairly steep and seems like it is uphill the whole way. About two thirds of the way you get to go down a steep hill to Clearwater lake. Clearwater is only about 88 feet higher than caribou, but this portage will make you think differently.

Lake after portage: Clearwater
Known campsites: 6
Lake Description:

The Clearwater palisades make for an awesome view.

Portage from Clearwater into:
West Pike
Rock Island
Return to Caribou

Portage into the Boundary Waters with