Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: From Isabella there is a short portage south into a creek on the bay that is the most east and south in the lake. This creek winds through a marshy area and you will have to pull over several small beaver dams. There may be stretches where you will have to wade, but the bottom of the creek is generally firm sandy/rocky bottom and not suckmud. Another short 4 rod portage (or you can run these riffles) will take you into North Bay of Basswood. There is traffic in both direction along this route as the current is not that brisk in this creek. Lake after portage: Basswood Known campsites: 5 Lake Description: North Bay of Basswood has numerous campsites, but I recommend getting there early as I would bet that they fill up early. One of the nicest is an Island in the middle of North Bay between Johns Island and the Burke Lake portage. Has a wonderful sand beach and protected lagoon. Portage from Basswood into: Unnamed* *Between Basswood's North bay and Burke Sucker Good Basswood* *Back Bay Basswood* *Jackfish Bay Crooked Indiana Indiana Unnamed* *on the way to Kett Sunday Basswood* *Back Bay Basswood* *Pipestone Bay Poacher South Burke Sunday Burke Unnamed* *between Nest and Basswood Newton Basswood River
Portage into Quetico Park with |