Quetico portages Posted by: Phebe Vance Season/Year: Summer 95 Water Level: high Length: 160 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description:
We still refer to this portage as "mud and blood." The mud part you can guess and the blood was from all the voracious mosquitoes that got killed halfway through their meal! The portage landing at Robin is not too difficult, a rocky shore landing and then the portage sets out through an opening in the cedars. There is a pretty good climb up and then when things level out, you get into a very muddy, bootsucking stretch, accompanied by voracious mosquitoes! Then you walk back down to Quetico Lake. The landing there is a nice sandy/gravely beach. A welcome sight!
Lake after portage: Quetico
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:
Quetico Lake is big, but has many arms and bays that give it more of a small lake feel when you paddle on it. Lots of campsites as it is an entry lake.
Portage from Quetico into:
Quetico* *west bay
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com