Quetico to Quetico

Quetico portages
Posted by: jim j solo
Season/Year: Fall 07
Water Level: average
Length: 80/160/70/100 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This is a series of 3 un-named lakes along the section of land separating the 2 main arms of Quetico Lake. Starting from the west end, enter the bay leading in from the south. Don't squeeze past the rock bluff into the far north end of bay. Instead follow the rock bluff to the east till it begins to drop into a marsh area. This is on the east side of the last open water in the bay on Quetico Lake. The portage landing is just right of the last large boulder. The first half is over wooded ground and the second half through high grass. The landing is in a small bay south of the far west end of this lake, I'll call "West-un-named".

The portage from West-un-named to Middle-un-named begins at the east end on a large rock, VW Bug size, and follows a nice rock wall on the southside of the trail.

Middle-un-named to East-un-named begins on the south side of a creek connecting the two lakes. Halfway over the trail jumps to the northside of the creek. I lost it for a moment on both carries going west to east. Try walking the old beaverdam or below to get across. All these trails are somewhat faint in places.

East-un-named to Quetico Lake trail begins on the southside of creek connecting the two lakes. It follows a trail past some nice Eastern White Cedars and large White Pines, growing next to another rock wall on the south side of the trail. Half way the trail crosses the creek to follow the north side of the creek. Just before Quetico it crosses another small stream draining a lake from the north. The landing on Quetico is in a grassy area. From Quetico look for a bay full of grass that has a large dead tree bare of all but one limb. The landing is on north shoreline just beyond, west of tree.

Lake after portage: Quetico
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:

Middle-un-named Lake has nice campsite on east end.

East-un-named Lake has a nice campsite on a point on the northside of the eastern half of the lake.

Portage from Quetico into:
Return to Quetico
Quetico* *west bay

Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com