Re: Fish Locators

You know, these posts make me want to laugh almost as hard as when I see some poor sucker lugging pounds and pounds of electronic equipment across a portage. I'll admit, I'm no world class fisherman, so maybe I'm missing the point. However, aren't two (of the many) reasons we love canoe country (1) to escape modern "convieniences" and (2) because the fishing is so good you can hold your own with a shoestring and a safty pin? I can understand wanting a full aray of the latest gizmo on some motor boat when you head out on a Saturday afternoon simply to catch some walleye. Just like I can understand why you'd also want a 'fridge to keep the beers cold, a stereo for the tunes, and a portable T.V. to catch the hockey game. If you only have six hours or so on the lake I suppose you don't want to waste time. But isn't that yet another reason we love the wilderness - to waste a little time?

Posted by Sean on May 03, 2001 at 14:22

In reply to: Fish Locators posted by Dwight on April 30, 2001 at 10:04
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