Re: Fish Locators

You know Shawn, To each his own. This is an area that has more kevlar, rip stop nylon, quallofil, hallofil, plastic dry bags, and every other man made fiber in the world to make your life easier and you bash these guys for taking a fish locator. Get Real! In 20 years of paddling the park I have never seen anyone use a birch bark canoe, canvas tent, or eat pea soup as their staple. Where do you get off?

I'll admit I am a world class fisherman and have carried electronics in before. I didn't find that it helped my fishing but that doesn't mean it won't help their fishing.

You made a statement about modern class conveniences... Let me guess, you ultra light canoe, ultra modern tent, ultra light sleeping bag, freeze dried food, state of the art lantern. How can you make such a statement. Go try it with the old equipment, then give me a call.

Posted by Lynn on May 03, 2001 at 19:47

In reply to: Re: Fish Locators posted by Sean on May 03, 2001 at 14:22
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