Dahlgren River to Stuart

Boundary Waters portage
Posted by: Bill S
Season/Year: Summer 02
Water Level: low
Length: 116 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This portage starts out from the river at a moderately steep climb for about 100 yards, then levels out and is a nice dry trail. It ends with a long gradual downhill walk to the lake with a good view of the lake.

Lake after portage: Stuart
Known campsites: 6
Lake Description:

Stuart lake is a lovely quiet lake. It is rather difficult to get to and therefore not heavily used. I was there solo for 4 days and saw only one other campsite in use for 2 of those days. I did not catch many fish but I do not fish heavily, as I am out for the solitude and the "experience".

Portage from Stuart into:

Paddle back Paddle Up