Quetico portages Posted by: Brigitte Season/Year: Summer 99 Water Level: unsure Length: 160 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Ingmar alanfine
Portage Description:
This was a particularly grueling portage, especially miserable since it was raining nonstop. We were amazed to get through it with intact ankles. There were multiple fallen trees, at least two bogs with tippy, slippery corduroy, rocky uphill stretches, and best of all a portion where the portage goes into a stream for a period of time and it seems like you may have lost the trail, but, no, you have to walk in the stream.
Lake after portage: Ottertrack
Known campsites: 3
Lake Description:
This is a beautiful, long and winding lake. It's only disadvantage for Quetico paddlers is the campsites. On the Canadian side, the first campsite after the portage from Plough is on the right hand side (West side) of the lake on a point of land. This is the only decent campsite on the Canadian side that we found. The other 3 we found were some of the worst we've seen, since the north side of the lake is steeply sloped, there was barely any level ground, much less a tent site on any of them. The American side has several campsites which appeared to be much better.
Portage from Ottertrack into:
Swamp Lake County
Little Knife
Knife via 3 unnamed lakes
Portage into the Boundary Waters with QuietJourney.com