Quetico and the Boundary Waters FishingJigs and plastic grubs or twister tails: Jig fishing relies greatly on feel your ability to distinguish between rocks, wood, weeds or a fish biting at the end of your line will determine your skill at hooking fish. All good fishermen are good jig fishermen. There is great satisfaction in coaxing a fish to bite a jig, feeling the tell tale tap and setting the hook into a big fish. Do play around with them if you get a chance especially from shore at camp and below fast moving water. You may be surprised at what you can catch, just be prepared to lose a few. Tie the jig directly to the line using a Palomar knot with no leader or swivel. Start by casting and retrieving steadily without letting it touch bottom. On successive casts let it sink closer to the bottom during the retrieve until it bumps occasionally. And lastly, (when your ready to tie on a new one), lift and pause your retrieve seductively along the bottom allowing the jig to explore all of the nooks and crannies along the way.
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