Cacabic to ThomasPortage Description: Coming from Cacabic side, the portage is hard to find. Several spots appear to be the portage before you go far enough to get to the actual portage. Then the entry to the portage was hidden behind a weed bed. This portage is very level but about 40 rods into it there is a swamp that is about 30+ rods long. Even with the slightly below normal water levels there was enough water in this swampy area that we floated the canoes through rather than carry them. Then had to try step from log or firmer ground with packs on our back. All 4 of us sank up to our knees in muck at least once. We decided that it is much better to go through Insula and Kiana to get to Thomas from Alice even though it is longer distance. Lake after portage: Thomas Known campsites: 8+ Lake Description: Larger lake with many islands. Most campsites are in the southern half of the lake. Portage from Thomas into: Return to Cacabic Hatchet