Chad to BuckBoundary Waters portage Posted by: Woodland Season/Year: Spring 07 Water Level: unsure Length: 266 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Jim Rees Loren Johnson
Portage Description: In late May, 2007 about 50 rods into the portage from Chad, the trail ends abruptly in a flooded forest. A beaver dam inundated the wooded valley of several acres to depth of 4 feet. All the leaves are still on the trees and brush, and the surface of the new pond is thick with foliage. The passage through is dense and nearly impenetrable. I couldn't see where the trail went after it entered the water. It's possible to get through or around it somehow, but the effort would be considerable. It wasn't worth it to me. Lake after portage: Buck Known campsites: not sure Lake Description: Portage from Buck into: Western