Unnamed* to Kahshahpiwi *south of Kahshahpiwi
Quetico portage Posted by: Paul Season/Year: Summer 99 Water Level: high Length: 220 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Eric Bailey
Portage Description: There is a beaver pond near the southern end of this portage. The McIntyre(?) maps show the portage trail skirting this to the right or east. However this will lead to a bog trot of @ 200 yards and a very congested 100 yards or so through the trees until you find the actual trail which skirts the beaver pond to the left or west. The remainder is not bad no severe elevation changes or anything just a little long. Kahshahpiwi is a large deep lake, very scenic with high cliffs. Fishing can be good. Lake after portage: Kahshahpiwi Known campsites: 6 Lake Description: Not sure about the exact number but six is pretty close. Most are clustered at the southern end. Portage from Kahshahpiwi into: Trant Return to Unnamed* Yum Yum Unnamed* *between Kahshahpiwi and Joyce McNiece