Man Chain

I am considering a trip up the Man Chain. I've been to Quetico 3 times before and I've loved it (aside form the sprained ankle day, the 15 mile against whitecaps day, and the muddy portage day).

My three previous trips were into Agnes, Kawnipi, and Basswood lakes with a good friend and fellow adventurer, so we weren't adverse to the occasional hardship, and obviously expected some.

This time I am taking my wife, who is no slouch when it comes to adversity, but she has never been in the wilderness before.

I want to do the Man Chain because I understand the geology is quite different and it is "off the beaten path." Can anyone verify that this is not a crowded area and that the portages are not too difficult? What about the campsites? Are they good? How about the fishing?

Any other comments are welcomed.


Posted by Tom on September 07, 1999 at 01:05

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