Saganaga to Saganagons
Silver Falls

Quetico portages
Posted by: ahguy
Season/Year: Summer 03
Water Level: average
Length: 130 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:
Dangling Angler
Phebe Vance
Quetico Fan

Portage Description:
Super highway of portages! Plenty wide, heavily traveled. Plenty of space at both ends for put in/out. Large rolling rocks at the start are the toughest part, especially the "step" down with a canoe on your back. One of the most memorable parts of our trip happened as we returned on this portage, and compared our seasoned portage technique to the newbies heading out fresh (others must have thought the same about us as we were going out).

Lake after portage: Saganagons
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:

Portage from Saganagons into:
Falls Chain #2
Saganaga ( Below Silver Falls)
Falls Chain #2 Kawnipi via Falls Chain
Moose Bay (Lake)
Saganagons short

Portage into Quetico Park with