Burntside to CrabPortage Description: We last did this portage just before it was re-routed and remembered it to be pretty easy. The new portion -- about the first 1/3 -- was difficult. Luckily it was dry, but it was up and down (which is not so bad) with very poor footing (which was bad). Lots of exposed roots and rocks -- a sprained ankle waiting to happen. The second 2/3 going into Crab was easy -- mostly flat. It may be slightly longer than the previous McKenzie measure of 320 rods -- but not by much. About halfway through you go through a marsh -- which is very buggy in wet seasons. This year it was quite dry for us, so no bugs. Lake after portage: Crab Known campsites: 8+ Lake Description: This is a nice lake for those who prefer small lakes. Some of the campsites are very nice. Portage from Crab into: Little Crab Clark