Beartrap to Beartrap RiverBoundary Waters portage Posted by: Natty phlegmmo Season/Year: Summer 02 Water Level: average Length: 200 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Barclay Kruse eglath
Portage Description: This little badboy seems to have improved over the last couple years. While there were many downed trees, all had easily identified detours around them except for the double downed trees at the terminus. It drops about a hundred feet in the direction we traveled with a very shallow, mucky put in. It took my ravishing bride and myself two hours to double portage. She didn't even get her feet muddy. The trail itself is neither rocky nor muddy. It's not too bad, but it's not well traveled and it is 200 rods, hence the difficult rating. It's more difficult going the other way, but not a never again. Lake after portage: Beartrap River Known campsites: None at all Lake Description: A typical B dub river into the PMA Portage from Beartrap River into: Sunday Beartrap River rapids Beartrap River Iron* *Peterson Bay Return to Beartrap