Basswood to Basswood RiverQuetico portage Posted by: Eric G Season/Year: Summer 00 Water Level: unsure Length: 320 rods Rating: Rate this portage | Additional Perspectives: tom Scott
Portage Description: This portage is difficult to reach and complete on the first day of paddling, so it is usually done first thing in the morning. Be sure you have a decent breakfast. This is also known as the "Horse Portage". After you do it, you'll know why. "Horse" is easy to find above Upper Basswood Falls. It is well traveled and can be crowded. It starts out uphill, before leveling out to moderate hills and valleys along the way. The terrain doesn't make this portage difficult, it's the sheer distance. You'll have the option to break this portage into two small ones with a short paddle in between, but I've never elected to do that. If you want to break it up, follow the path to the north at the fork (about one third of the way into the portage). There are some rocks you'll need to maneuver over, but it's not too difficult provided they aren't wet. The last portion of this portage is downhill with an easy put in. You may be tempted to rest here for a while, but because of the portage's popularity you'll be better off pushing on and resting later. Lake after portage: Basswood River Known campsites: not sure Lake Description: This portion of the river is an easy paddle and it is narrow enough to be protected from the wind. Portage from Basswood River into: Basswood River* *Lower Basswood Falls Basswood River* *Wheelbarrow Falls Basswood River*